«Смачна Eсці!» (Non-Gastronomic Exhibition)

A phrase «Смачна eсці!» means «Enjoy your meal!». It is a Belarusian traditional wish people say to each other while sitting at the dinner table. An exhibition having the same name opens at the Museum of the Belarusian Book-Printing.

The exhibition is dedicated to the food culture in its wider meaning. As all we know, food is not only a vital physiological need, but also a complex ethnocultural and social phenomenon which says a lot about society, its traditions and customs, gourmet preferences, home habits and mentality. So a lot of printed editions on the topic have been created by this point in time.

The exhibition displays scientific archaeological and ethnographical editions about the food culture of our ancestors, books about Belarusian traditional cuisine, famous cookbooks and fine literature about food. Different archaeological materials and household items connected to cooking, preserving or eating meals are completed the picture.

The exhibition works until February 6, 2022.